Friday, January 21, 2011

Nothing too profound

Over the past few days, I have taken the time to "catch up" online a bit. What that means actually is that I have made it a priority to read some blogs from "old friends". They are those that have been so supportive through this experience we are going through and I have relied heavily on their encouragement. It has been so refreshing. It is like new life has been breathed into my soul. Connecting with you all has been such a blessing. You know when you are so excited about something that you just want to shout it from the mountaintops? It has been that kind of feeling.

There are many blogs that I haven't gotten to yet, but I will. I won't ever be able to go back and catch up with all of the happenings I have missed. Just to be a part of your lives again fulfills me. It is strange - this blogging world. One day I hope to meet many of you in person. Because to me, you are such an important part of my life.

I am glad to be back. 


jules said...

And it's so good to have you back.

We all need a little bloggin break now and then.

BARBIE said...

I love my blog friends! Even though I don't know you, every time I come to visit I say a prayer for you!

BJR said...

Hey there! Glad to see you back online.

Your friend/brother :-)

Ginger said...

Hey girlfriend! Glad to see you back. I am praying for you, and, while our situation isn't quite like yours, I understand waiting and the difficulty of it. Believing in the God of all hope....

partialemptynester said...

I do know what you mean, dear friend!