Sunday, April 11, 2010

Beginning a new week...

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. This afternoon the temps are hovering close to the 80 degree mark and the blooms continue to make an appearance. Some of those blossoms seem like heavenly scents and some are like stink on a skunk. Do you think God was smirking when he did that? Makes me wonder if He had fun with it.

Tomorrow begins a new week and I am a bit unsure of what it holds. I guess that is always true but usually I have a sense just by looking forward to it or dreading it. Today I am just kind of neutral. It may have a lot to do with the sermon we had this morning. Our pastor has started a new series entitled "Kidnapped". The purpose is to bring to light the way the children of this generation are being "sucked in" by friends, technology, etc. This morning's message was heavy on discipline. For the most part, I think Hubby and I have done a good job with our girls. Then there are those times when I begin to panic thinking about the things we haven't done right. Those things that we let slip by here and there because we just didn't want the confrontation. Consistency. Heavy word. Hard to accomplish sometimes. So, I shall pick up my bible, arm myself with the word of God, ask for strength to be consistent as I head out into a new week.


partialemptynester said...

Thanks for sharing your memories of the was odd how it shook all of us this morning! I love your post, so true...with our son being in college, it's easy to sit back and kinda think, "wow, we're pretty much done", but then we realize...our daughter is in middle school, the very time we need to sit up and take note, and not grow weary! Thanks for reminding me to be consistent: arming myself with the Word and asking for the strength I need to stay consistent! Have a great week!!!!

Hannah Nicole said...

I love the starts of new weeks. Its a fresh start--literally a new day. A new week--clean and fresh. Untainted by the past.

Have a great day.

carissa said...

consistency... that is a theme i've been coming across often in regards to parenting. it's so tough to be on your game at all times. i'm so thankful the Lord grants us the strength to parent!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

You just do the best you can....and what I am finding out is you NEVER stop parenting.....its just a different way when they are adults...I cannot tell you how many times Amanda will call me and ask me what I think about stuff? And now that Greg has a baby.....I so see him patterning us...not sure if thats good or bad.....